function [noiselet_Matrix] = Build_Noiselets(n_Power) % [noiselet_Matrix] = Build_Noiselets(n_Power) % Built an orthonormal noiselet matrix with 2^n_Power % In: n_Power (integer); default: n_Power = 5 (n_Sample = 2^n_Power = 32) % Out: noiselet_Matrix (complex array); default (no outpu): display real and % imaginery parts % Example: noiselet_Matrix_1024 = Build_Noiselets(10); % % Comments: no optimization at all, suggestions welcome % Creation: 2008/04/10 % Update: 2008/04/13 % % Author: Laurent Duval % URL: if nargin == 0 n_Power = 5; end n_Sample = 2^n_Power; noiselet_Matrix = zeros(n_Sample,2*n_Sample-1); noiselet_Matrix(:,1) = 1; coef1 = 1 - i; coef2 = 1 + i; vect_Fill = zeros(n_Sample/2,1); for i_Col = 1:n_Sample-1 vect_2x = [noiselet_Matrix(1:2:n_Sample,i_Col);vect_Fill]; vect_2x_1 = [vect_Fill;noiselet_Matrix(1:2:n_Sample,i_Col)]; noiselet_Matrix(:,2*i_Col) = coef1*vect_2x + coef2*vect_2x_1; noiselet_Matrix(:,2*i_Col+1) = coef2*vect_2x + coef1*vect_2x_1; end noiselet_Matrix = 1/n_Sample*noiselet_Matrix(:,n_Sample:2*n_Sample-1); if nargout == 0 figure(1) subplot(1,2,1) imagesc(real(noiselet_Matrix)) xlabel('Real part') subplot(1,2,2) imagesc(imag(noiselet_Matrix)) xlabel('Imaginery part') end