function windowSine = Window_Raised_Frac_Sine(windowLength,taperLength,fractionalOrder,minmaxValues) % Window_Raised_Frac_Sine: Computes smooth, short-tapered 1D window based on the power % % windowSine = Window_Raised_Frac_Sine(windowLength,taperLength,fractionalOrder,minmaxValues) % % Input: windowLength, taperLength (int), fractionalOrder (double), % minmaxValues (scalar or 2-length array of double) % Output: windowSine (array of double) % Example: % windowSine = Window_Raised_Frac_Sine(128,20,2,[0.1 1]); % Uses: % Used in: % Comments: % Notes: % Created: 2004/05/06 % Modified: 2006/06/13 % Modified: 2007/02/13 % minmaxValues added to avoid vanishing windows % % Author: Laurent C. Duval, % Institution: IFP Energies nouvelles, Technology Department % (c) All right reserved if nargin < 1 % Default length is 128 windowLength = 128; end if nargin < 2 % Default taper length on both sides is approximately 1/16th of the window length taperLength = ceil(windowLength/16); end if nargin < 3 % Default exponent for the 'cosine part' is 1, e.g. 'traditional' window fractionalOrder = 1; end if nargin < 4 % Default window extend ranges from 0 to 1 minmaxValues = [0 1]'; end if (nargin == 4) & (length(minmaxValues) == 1) % If a scalar is given, test value with 0.5 to infer min or max value if minmaxValues <= 0.5 minmaxValues = [minmaxValues 1]'; else minmaxValues = [0 minmaxValues]'; end end taper = (cos((0:taperLength-1)'*pi/(taperLength-1))+1)/2; windowSine = [flipud(taper);ones(windowLength-2*taperLength,1);taper]; windowSine = windowSine.^fractionalOrder; windowSine = (windowSine - min(windowSine))/(max(windowSine) - min(windowSine)) * (max(minmaxValues) - min(minmaxValues)) + min(minmaxValues); if nargout < 1 plot(windowSine);axis tight end