function [data_Median,data_MAD] = MAD_Estimate(data,flag_Scale) % MAD: Median and Median absolute deviation; serve as a scale estimate % % [data_Median,data_MAD] = MAD_Estimate(data,flag_Scale) % Compute the median and the median absolution deviation from 'data'; if % (optional) flag 'flag_Scale' is set to 1, them normalize by scale factor % 1.4826 for gaussian inputs (see Example). % % Input: % data: input data (1D or 2D array of double) % flag_Scale[opt]: flag for Gaussian scale normalisation (0 or 1) % Output: % data_Median: data Median (array of double) % data_MAD: data Median absolute Deviation (MAD) (array of double) % Example: % data_Mean = 3; data_Std = 2.8;% Set mean and standard deviation % % Gaussian vector with set mean and standard deviation % data = random('Normal',data_Mean,data_Std,30,1); % data(3:3)= 100; % [data_Median,data_MAD] = MAD_Estimate(data,1); % data_Std_Estim = std(data,1); % disp(['Input Std: ',num2str(data_Std),'; Estim Std: ',num2str(data_Std_Estim),'; MAD estimate: ',num2str(data_MAD),'; Relative error: ',num2str((data_MAD-data_Std)/data_Std)]); % Uses: % Used in: % Comments: % Notes: % Should add support for other (than gaussian) random sample distributions % Created: 2005/08/24 % Modified: 2009/03/21 % Help update % % Author: Laurent C. Duval, % Institution: IFP, Technology Department % (c) All right reserved if (nargin == 2) & (flag_Scale == 1) scale_Factor = 1.4826; else scale_Factor = 1; end data_Median = zeros([size(data,2),1]); data_Median = median(data); data_MAD = scale_Factor*median(abs(data - repmat(data_Median,size(data,1),1)));